This Instant Pot Butternut Squash Soup is rich and creamy (without dairy!) and is an absolute delight. Enjoy some now or freeze it for later, this is definitely a great one to have on hand for when a soup craving strikes.
1applepeeled thickly, cored, and chopped into small chunks
4cupsbutternut squashpeeled and cubed
3cupsvegetable or chicken brothor water
1/2tspsaltor more to taste depending on your broth/water situation
optional: chopped green onions for garnish
Turn InstantPot to the sauté setting and add in leeks and oil. Sauté for 3-5 minutes or until leeks are bright green and fragrant.
Add in garlic, apple, and butternut squash. Sauté for another 3-5 minutes before turning the InstantPot off.
Pour in broth and add 1/2 tsp salt to the pot and then turn to pressure cook. Set timer for 15 minutes and cover with lid. Once the cook time is over, use the quick valve to release the pressure.
Using an immersion (stick) blender, puree the soup until uniformly smooth. Garnish with green onions (if using) and serve hot!
To save time and energy, feel free to use pre-cut or frozen butternut squash.