A new project in the works for 2024

I’ll be launching a new project in 2024 called TWELVE by TWENTY FOUR. Read on to see what it’s all about!

With my kids getting older and my youngest getting more independent, I have more time in my days to devote to creative exploration. I’ve been throwing around ideas for what to do with all that newfound free time and wanted to do something special in 2024. 

Problem is, I could never come up with ONE BIG THING that I wanted to focus my time on. Instead, I came up with a million and one little things — things that I have always wanted to explore, old things that I want to return to, and stockpiles of supplies and artwork that I want to be able to use (and reuse and repurpose). 

And then it hit me. Instead of focusing my time and energy on one thing, I want to focus my time and energy on something different each month. I want to give myself enough time to go deep while also switching things up so that I don’t get bored and ditch on the project half way through. (Ahem.)

I also want to experiment with limited run products and marketing ideas to see what sticks and what doesn’t. 

TWELVE by TWENTY FOUR is the result of that brainstorming and yearning. It’s a way for me to scratch my creative itches and to follow the sparks of excitement and curiosity that continue to show up.

So what does TWELVE by TWENTY FOUR actually entail? I will be launching 12 different products — on the 12th of each month — with a limited run of 24 items (or sets). Each item will sold for $12 or $24. 

It doesn’t get easier than that!

I’ll be launching a new project in 2024 called TWELVE by TWENTY FOUR. Read on to see what it’s all about!

I have already chosen the twelve items that I will be making and selling in 2024, with the very first item being … dot note cards! They are seriously fun to make and I cannot wait for you to see the sets that I’ve put together. They also happen to make great thank you cards for all of the fabulous presents you received over the holidays. (Just saying.)

I’ll be sending out an email on Friday, the 12th, with a link to purchase, so make sure to sign up for the Made With Lev newsletter to get all the details!

What do you think? Sound like fun??


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