My new summer drink is green tea lemonade

Green Tea Lemonade is the quintessential summer drink. It’s pleasantly sweet, seriously refreshing, and has a kick of caffeine to get you through the day!

Hello warmer weather and hello green tea lemonade, my new favorite drink. It’s pleasantly sweet, seriously refreshing, and has a fun little kick of caffeine to boot. I can see myself drinking this — and every variation I can think of — all summer long.

Last weekend we drove to Cincinnati to visit family and celebrate my oldest nephew graduating from high school. Of course, finding places to stop along the way is generally difficult since the kids want one thing (McDonalds) and the husband and I want another (anything but McDonalds).

We generally compromise on Panera (or, let’s be honest, grab the kids McDonalds and us something from Panera) and go on our merry way. My go-to order is the Fuji Apple Chicken salad and one of their charged lemonades. I love them (and apparently so does The Big Kid).

500-ish miles and 3 super charged lemonades later, I decided that I needed to try making my own version at home. I began looking up green tea lemonades and was seriously surprised at how easy they were to make. I have a feeling I’ll be experimenting with flavors now that I know just how good it is with a plain lemonade.

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