Looking for what to read next, but don’t know if you can trust the whims of BookTok or Bookstagram? Here are 8 of my recent reads — mostly in the Romance genre — that have earned a 5-star rating. Every year I set a goal for the number of books I want to read and then either forget about it a week later or binge read every book in the last month or two of the year. Last year, I set a goal to read 26 books and ended up reading (and listening to) 38 books. Of course, that all happened…
All in all, 2023 was a good year for reading. Most of the books I read last year were enjoyable. Some were a little steamier than others, and some were more fun and mindless than anything else. With that in mind, here are the best books I read in 2023. I feel like I go in spurts with reading. Some months I want nothing to do with reading and will binge Netflix like there’s no tomorrow. And other months I’ll plow through 4-5 books a week. Lately, I’ve been in a binge reading (and listening) phase, as I love listening…