An easy recipe for Lemon Blueberry Muffins

With the perfect combination of tart and sweet, these Lemon Blueberry Muffins are the perfect thing to make when you’re craving something sweet but not too sweet. If you ask my kids what their favorite thing to make in the kitchen together, the answer would hands down be muffins. And if you asked them what … Read more

Look forward to snack time with these easy homemade protein bites

These easy homemade protein bites are made with 5 simple ingredients like chocolate, peanut butter, maple syrup and salt, and taste absolutely decadent. // I’ve been on the hunt for easy (and somewhat healthy) snacks as of late, needing quick little pick-me-up’s to get me through the day. Most days, I’ll reach for cut veggies … Read more

My new summer drink is green tea lemonade

Green Tea Lemonade is the quintessential summer drink. It’s pleasantly sweet, seriously refreshing, and has a kick of caffeine to get you through the day!

Hello warmer weather and hello green tea lemonade, my new favorite drink. It’s pleasantly sweet, seriously refreshing, and has a fun little kick of caffeine to boot. I can see myself drinking this — and every variation I can think of — all summer long.

Last weekend we drove to Cincinnati to visit family and celebrate my oldest nephew graduating from high school. Of course, finding places to stop along the way is generally difficult since the kids want one thing (McDonalds) and the husband and I want another (anything but McDonalds).

We generally compromise on Panera (or, let’s be honest, grab the kids McDonalds and us something from Panera) and go on our merry way. My go-to order is the Fuji Apple Chicken salad and one of their charged lemonades. I love them (and apparently so does The Big Kid).

500-ish miles and 3 super charged lemonades later, I decided that I needed to try making my own version at home. I began looking up green tea lemonades and was seriously surprised at how easy they were to make. I have a feeling I’ll be experimenting with flavors now that I know just how good it is with a plain lemonade.

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An easy bison chili recipe to make for dinner this week

Looking for a delicious meat-based chili? This bison chili is packed with flavor and some subtle heat for a truly tasty dinner. Eat it as is or pair it with spaghetti noodles and you’ll have dinner everyone will be raving about. Except for maybe your kids, because let’s be honest. Their palettes aren’t exactly … … Read more

Dairy free muffins made from dried mangos

Perfect for breakfast, lunch, or snacks, these small batch dairy free muffins made from dried mangos are packed with flavor. They are also the perfect way to use up that dried fruit that’s been sitting in your pantry for way too long.

A few months ago, I picked up a bag of dried mango from our local BJ’s because it’s seriously the best. Like, better than any other brand I’ve tried. The first time I had gotten a bag, it was gone in two days flat. I was telling The Little about how excited I was to have some again, and asked her if she would be interested in trying some, too.

Of course she said yes. Who can resist such a delicious treat?! So I ripped open the bag when we got home, handed The Little a piece for herself, and took a bite. It wasn’t as good as I remembered it, but maybe my tastebuds were a little off that day… The Little took a bite a few seconds later and instead of oohing and ahhhing about it, she made a funny face.

I picked up the bag to see if something had changed, but everything looked the same. And that’s when I noticed it. The small lettering on the top of the package that said unsweetened.

Face. Palm.

The unsweetened variety was most definitely not the same and most definitely not very good. It just wasn’t for me. (That’s a fancy way of saying it was effing disgusting and not at all what I had hoped it would be.)

So instead of throwing it directly in the trash and feeling cranky with myself for wasting $14 on a bag of dried mango, I tucked it into the back of our pantry and told myself that I’d find something to make with it. Eventually. I’m pretty sure I even went so far as to look up ideas on Pinterest to see if there was anything that was of interest. There wasn’t, so it sat. And sat and sat and sat in our pantry.

Until today.

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Making your own protein bars is super easy

Do you know how easy it is to make homemade protein bars? With less than 5 minutes of effort, you can make (and customize) your very own high-protein treat.

I am always on the hunt for good protein bars when I need a quick something to eat while I am running the girls back and forth between literally everything. Unfortunately, I have a hard time finding any I can enjoy because I am sensitive to dairy, coconut, AND stevia. I did manage to find a few brands that work, but can’t always find them in the store. WHOMP, WHOMP. So I figured it was time to try my hand at making them myself. I also happened to have a bunch of protein powder that was just sitting in the pantry and wanted to use it up.

I took inspiration from a few recipes to create one that worked for me. I have to say, I am really pleased with how they turned out and could even see myself making these into protein ball slash truffles for a small bite versus a bigger bar.

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