If you like Rice Krispie Treats, you’ll love these other cereal bars

Rice Krispie Treats are the OG cereal bars, no doubt about it. They are simple and delicious and always hit the spot. But they aren’t the only cereal bars in town. A fact I only discovered because wasting food hurts my soul and my kids never at what they say they will eat.

The first time that happened, we had a massive box of Rice Chex left over from making Homemade Chex Mix. I legit had no idea what to do with it so I took to Pinterest to see what my options were. I’m not a huge fan of puppy chow (I know, that’s a me problem) and wanted to try something different. And that’s when it hit me. Why do Rice Krispies get to have all the fun? So I whipped up a batch of Rice Chex Treats and they were pure magic.

Fast forward a few years later, when my youngest went on a massive Cheerios kick. Which lasted right up until I got the extra large family box. And then she promptly decided that she hated Cheerios. Because, of course, she did. We also had a potluck we were going to and needed to whip up a dessert of some kind.

When I looked in my pantry and saw the giant box in there, I knew I had to do something with them. So I scoured Pinterest again and came across a recipe for Peanut Butter Cheerio Bars from SheSaved.com. Needless to say, the cereal bars were a huge hit and everyone asked for the recipe.

It’s been over a year since I’ve made them and I still get questions about those bars from friends, asking me when I’ll be making them again. (Clearly the answer is whenever we have a box of Cheerios in the pantry that my kids refuse to eat, which is probably soon.)

All of that to say, Rice Krispies Treats aren’t the only cereal bars in town, so don’t be afraid to try something new.

Here are five of my favorite cereal bars, in case you need some inspiration (and recipes):

  1. Rice Chex Treats from Made With Lev
  2. Peanut Butter Cheerio Bars from She Saved
  3. Rice Krispie Treats from Baking You Happier
  4. Fruit Loop Cereal Bars from Dinner Then Dessert
  5. S’mores Graham Krispie Treats (made with Golden Grahams) from Homemade Home

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If you like Rice Krispies Treats, then you’ll love these cereal bars. | madewithlev.com

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