Dress your tech with these free phone and desktop wallpapers

Dress your tech with these free phone and desktop wallpaper designs inspired by the drawings and paintings of flowers that I’ve been doing for the 100 Day Project.

I’ve long been a fan of D E S I G N L O V E F E S T and the Dress Your Tech section on the site. I’m pretty sure every single piece of tech I’ve ever owned has had a wallpaper that I’ve downloaded from there. That’s more than 10 years of downloading and loving the designs I’ve found.

What can I say, it makes my heart happy.

With that said, I thought it would be a lot of fun to do something similar with my own patterns and designs. I’ve been on a design spree, creating patterns from drawings and paintings of flowers that I’ve been doing as part of our 100 Day Project. I have loved seeing them on things in the Redbubble shop and know that they would make for great wallpapers (of every kind!).

For this set of phone and desktop wallpaper design, I’m using a bold (and beautiful) floral pattern and bright pops of color. Yellow was the clear favorite when I posted it over on IG and Facebook. My heart was won over by the raspberry red. Though, I do love all the colors, so am including a whole rainbow of choices for you.

See below for the files. And no, nothing is required of you to download them — not even an email. Use. Enjoy. Just don’t try to pass the design off as yours.


For the phone:

For the computer:


Simple Flowers

Image credits:

Phone mockup psd created by rawpixel.com – www.freepik.com
Desktop background psd created by graphictwister – www.freepik.com
Laptop mockup psd created by customscene – www.freepik.com

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