Eye make-up remover you can make yourself

Ever since I purchased a big bottle of Dr. Bronner’s Castille Soap*, I’ve been looking for things to make with it. So far, it’s been a lot of foaming hand soap and not much else. That is, until I realized that I was running dangerously low on eye make-up remover.

Enter in the quest to find a DIY version that would be gentle on my skin and still effective in taking off my eye make-up.

The first few (dozen) recipes that I found online all contained witch hazel. Not knowing if I had any on hand, I kept scouring. I finally found one that was made with a combination of water, Dr. Bronner’s, and sweet almond oil.

When I was rounding up all of the ingredients for this project, I discovered that I did, in fact, still have some witch hazel left and ended up making a second version to see which one my eyes/face tolerated the most.

Below are both recipes in case you want to do the same.

DIY Eye Make-up Remover | two different recipes for a gentle make up remover that is sure to please even the fussiest of skin. #diybeaty #makeupremover #drbronners

HOW TO MAKE Eye Make-up Remover at home


*This is an affiliate link. I make a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase it through the link.



  • 1 cup distilled (or boiled) water
  • 2 tsp Dr. Bronner’s or other baby soap
  • 2 tsp sweet almond or olive oil


  1. If using tap water, make sure to bring to a boil first to kill off any potential contaminants. Set aside to cool for a few minutes.
  2. Combine the water, Dr. Bronner’s or baby soap, and oil into a measuring cup and stir gently to combine.
  3. If using reusable pads, add them to a wide-mouth jar and then pour mixture on top. If not, simply pour your mixture into a jar and wet pad or cotton balls when ready to use.

Recipe #2:


  • 1 cup distilled (or boiled) water
  • 1 tbs sweet almond oil
  • 2 tbs witch hazel


  1. If using tap water, make sure to bring to a boil first to kill off any potential contaminants. Set aside to cool for a few minutes.
  2. Combine the water, oil, and witch hazel into a measuring cup and stir gently to combine.
  3. If using reusable pads, add them to a wide-mouth jar and then pour mixture on top. If not, simply pour your mixture into a jar and wet pad or cotton balls when ready to use.

Note: After trying both versions on my face, I would say that Recipe #1 (using Dr. Bronner’s) would be best to use on your entire face, whereas Recipe #2 (with witch hazel) would be better suited for eye make-up only.

DIY Eye Make-up Remover | two different recipes for a gentle make up remover that is sure to please even the fussiest of skin. #diybeaty #makeupremover #drbronners

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