How to make an activated charcoal face mask

Let me preface this post by saying that this activated charcoal face mask is most definitely a project that requires adult supervision, old clothing that you do not care about ruining, and copious amounts of cleaning product and paper towels.


One of the first DIY projects that The Kid and I did together way back when was sugar scrubs. They are easy to make and require ingredients that we always have on hand. It also helps that The Kid loves taking showers and being fancy, both of which she was able to do with the sugar scrubs.

After sugar scrubs, she graduated to face masks. I can’t remember the exact one that we did, but knew that it would be a fun thing to try again. And since I was already getting activated charcoal for another one of our projects, I figured why the heck not.

Famous last words, y’all.

The problem with this one had everything to do with trying to open capsules without making a mess. Whenever they got a crack in them, the activated charcoal came out in a puff and got everywhere.

Examples A, B, and C:

It was so bad that The Kidwas getting annoyed with me because of how messy it was. And then she told me to just do it because she didn’t want to get it all over her. All I could do was laugh and roll my eyes at my spectacularly bad choice of projects.

The good news is, the mess can be remedied by getting the activated charcoal in powder form* versus capsule form*. That way, all you have to do is measure out a small amount and then dump it in. No capsules to crack open or anything.

Also, I regret nothing when it came to this one. We got messy. We got silly. We got cute. And we even got The Husband involved. Clearly it’s hard to pass up smearing black stuff all over your face and giggling hysterically while taking a million selfies. Oh, and the lure of luxuriously soft skin. That’s hard to pass up too.

How to make an Activated Charcoal Face Mask


  • Coconut Oil
  • Activated Charcoal*
  • Baking Soda
  • Mixing Bowl
  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • Spoon to stir everything together
  • Glass Jar or container to put it in

*This is an affiliate link. I make a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase it through the link.


  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 1 tbs baking soda
  • 3 capsules or 1/4 heaping tsp of activated charcoal


  • Combine all ingredients into a small mixing bowl. Stir until fully combined and no clumps of coconut oil are left behind.
  • Transfer to a small container.
  • To use: scoop a small amount with your fingers and rub onto your face. It gets a bit messy, so would make sure to do it over a sink or in the shower.
  • Leave on for 5-10 minutes before wiping off with a wet (and warm) washcloth.
  • Marvel at how soft and supple your skin is.
How to make an activated charcoal face mask |
How to make an activated charcoal face mask |

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