Five delicious low-carb recipes to make this week

white and green cactus pattern apron near round gray analog wall clock

Are you needing some inspiration for what to make for dinner this week? Here are 5 low-carb recipes that should be added to your repertoire immediately. They are all dairy-free, gluten-free, and low-carb slash keto-friendly. It’s the age old question: what the heck do I make for dinner? In our house, that question is compounded … Read more

New in the Etsy shop: lots and lots of stitchery

Want to know what’s new in the Etsy shop? Lots and lots of stitchery, that’s what. Embroidered portraits abound, with a crossed stitch piece and a textile landscape thrown in for good measure. It feels like it’s been ages since I’ve updated the Made With Lev Etsy shop. (Probably because it actually has been ages … Read more

The complete list of books I’ve read in March

assorted books

Want to know all the books I’ve read in March? I’ll give you a hint, it was a LOT. And it had everything to do with romance, college athletes, and suspense. Of course, I wouldn’t have it any other way. To say that I’ve gone full force into reading would probably be an understatement. I … Read more

Do something small every day to reach those big goals.

Instead of diving feet first into something and taking on more than I could chew, I decided to try something different: making a commitment to do something small every day. Little by little, those small increments of focus and attention add up to something much bigger (and more sustainable) in the end. As a chronic … Read more

I have fallen in love with reading all over again

woman reading book while lying on sofa

It’s official. I have fallen in love with reading all over again and have spent most of the month of February reading and falling in love with the Romance genre. Here are all of the books I read (and loved) during the month of February. After January’s reading binge, I was curious to see if … Read more